
Mohamed Hassan, DDS


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Mohamed Hassan, DDS


Is a Board-certified periodontist, and a Harvard faculty member in the periodontology department. Dr. Hassan graduated from Alexandria dental school in Egypt in 1992 where he practiced general dentistry for three years. In 1997, he received his fellowship in Craniomandibular dysfunction from Tufts dental school Boston, where he continued to finish his studies to receive his masters in dental science in 2001. He then received his DMD in 2003 and followed by his periodontology diploma in 2007, the same year he became a diplomat of American Board of Periodontology.

Dr. Hassan is a former assistant professor in the restorative department at Tufts University where he served for eight years, during which he continued to complete his degrees from the same institution. After receiving his periodontology degree in 2007 he joined the faculty board of periodontology at Harvard dental school while working in several private practices in Greater Boston area.

Dr. Hassan is married with four children and resides in Quincy. He enjoys traveling with his wife Mona, who has PhD. in child development and teaches at several universities in Boston, and his kids to explore different parts of the world. He also practices swimming and other sports with his kids.